The Heirs To Our Ocean community is unique in many ways. What stands out most to me is that the organization understands that, in order to take on big and intersectional challenges, like harm to humans due to the climate crisis and corporate and government corruption, we need each other.
Since Heirs began in 2016, it has provided both hope and a home — a place of being for hundreds of youth leaders around the world seeking connection in a time where disconnection from each other and our natural world is the new standard.
H2OO provides a space where young people can voice their concerns about the present and future knowing the adults in the community will not only hear them, but will amplify their voices, provide them with opportunities to connect and learn, and fund their actions that, without a doubt, are making the world they are inheriting a healthier and safer place for all life. I am 27 years old, and the mission and vision of H2OO is incredibly important to me too.
The opportunities and impact H2OO made this year could not have been done without each and every member of our community. As this year comes to an end, I invite you to take one more important step before 2021 officially comes to a close to build our collective power to support the transformational change, bold actions, and healing H2OO’s youth leaders seek. Consider supporting in any way you can, whether it is sharing this movement with friends and family helping us build our network of supporters, volunteering your time and expertise, and/or by making a tax-deductible gift to H2OO.
We have power in our voices, both young and old, because we have made the hardest choice of all when faced with a global crisis stemming from widespread disconnection: we chose to come together around shared values to work for a better future, a future where we’ve slowed the pace of climate change and can grow and learn safely amongst the wonders of nature, as those before us did.
Thank you to all of you who continue to join us in making the Heirs’ transformational vision a reality!