“I’m so excited to contribute my experience to this group of staggeringly incredible people.
From my work in environmental policy to on-the-ground action, I see similarly ignited faces in the people I work with.
The past Cohorts have made great strides, and I am ready to draw from their experience and prioritize the intertwining of working group goals to reach a more impactful result. As we combine lobbying, toolkits, and outreach, I am honored to help represent this Cohort.”
Zoë, 3rd Cohort U.S. YAC UNOD Co-Chair, California USA

“I joined the U.S. YAC UNOD because a healthy, prosperous ocean is fundamental to a healthy, productive, and prosperous society. My volunteer, advocacy, and policy work with the American Red Cross, Long Beach Green Schools Campaign, and other groups has shown me how global health, climate change, and the environmental justice movement are linked with critical implications for communities around the globe.
We must do more to protect our ocean and environment while preparing for the consequences imposed by those who we have not yet convinced to do the same.
Serving as Co-Chair of the 3rd cohort of the U.S. YAC for UNOD has been an eye-opening experience in learning about the diversity of the ocean and the environmental protection movement. From working with Working Group Committee Co-Chairs on crafting their SMART goals to forming relationships with the U.S. National Committee for the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, my work is just starting as I hope to empower this Cohort to make an impact this year.”
Hamid, 3rd Cohort U.S. YAC UNOD Co-Chair, Rhode Island USA