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FieldGuides - Wilderness First Responder

Bec grew up learning about backcountry navigation in the rugged, high-desert landscapes of Idaho. Later, she became a passionate educator, having taught in public/private sectors for more than a decade and counting. Upon moving to the Pacific Northwest, Bec began volunteering with Washington state to stock trout fry in hundreds of untrailed alpine lakes. Thereafter, Bec completed the triple crown, hiked an exploratory route through the ancient Lake Lahontan basin, hiked significant alpine routes in the Wind River Range, Inyo-White Mountains, Elkhorns, Steen Mountains, Yosemite, L2H Route, Brooks Range, and achieved several volcanic circumnavigations. 

Bec’s interest recently transitioned to technical high-alpine terrain. She has skied every volcano in the US Cascade Arc, many in the Chilean Ring of Fire, in Patagonia, the Chugach, and the Redline Ski Traverse in the Range of Light. Bec has been a ski guide/instructor for backcountry ski operations and skills courses, a mechanized (helicopter and CAT) ski guide, a backpacking guide, a ski patroller, and a technical mountaineering guide on Mount Shasta and Mount Whitney.  Bec informed her adventures with the science of snow, terrain, and weather patterns. Bec’s passion as a mountain guide is in facilitating feelings from her clients that they are welcome to be a part of our natural world of wonders. 

When she’s not working for ski patrol or guiding, she’s sewing and creating art.