We’ve been busy in Kentucky trying to engage and educate the public about the need of protecting our streams and creeks!
We hold Creek sweeps, attend local meetings with zoning committees, and talk with biologists from Kentucky Fish and Wildlife to gather information about preserving the health of our streams and to gather more insight on environmental conservation. We contacted EcoCell, the principals of our 3 district schools, the United Nations Association of Louisville and UNA-USA Kentucky, as well as the Board of Directors of FFEA (Floyds Fork Environmental Association- who work on conservation) to work on a district-wide recycling drive and partnership to keep smartphones, laptops, iPads and any related equipment out of local landfills!
Recently we contacted the Kentucky Resource Council inquiring into legislation mandating proper e-waste disposal and we were excited about the response we recently received from the staff attorney!: “There have not been any e-waste bills pre-filed at this time that I’m aware of, but we would be happy to discuss some options for addressing the e-waste issue in Kentucky”.