It’s a common saying that the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow. I disagree. Youth are leading the way to change today and now, and need the skills to do so more effectively. Young people must be offered opportunities for their voices to be uplifted and heard, as we are the heirs to this planet and have the most to lose if the climate crisis wins. We are in this fight for the long run, and my experiences with H2OO and the U.S. Youth Advisory Council for the UN Ocean Decade (U.S. YAC for UNOD) have shown me that there is so much to learn.
Through my roles, first as Co-Chair of the 2nd Cohort of the U.S. YAC for UNOD and subsequently, as Assistant Program Coordinator for the 3rd Cohort, I have learned effective leadership skills on many levels. Working with H2OO has uniquely positioned me to learn more about leadership through initiatives such as skill-building workshops. This has included working with youth from across the nation from various backgrounds, as well as representing the U.S. YAC for UNOD publicly. This has allowed me to expand my knowledge of leadership through hands-on experience and interactions with inspiring leaders.